Tuesday, January 22, 2019


When we work through the details & logistics of life in a given day there are a lot of complexities.
If the alarm gets snoozed one too many times, that garment you thought was clean actually wasn’t and the dog decides not to have it’s normal routine it can throw off the entire rhythm of the day.
You could get to work on time, crush your to do list, lead well in a team meeting and feel like you’re on cloud nine. Then you can pick up the kids from school and the argumentative dinner over whether vegetables are a necessity to consume before ice cream can feel like it just wrecked your day.
Why? Like, seriously have you ever wondered why some simple things can completely throw off our day in a compounding way?
Rhythm, we all have them. We all find ways where we feel great about how things need to operate, flow, play out and allow us to operate at our best self. There are subtle moments that seem to create chaos in the flow of how we operate but it's on us to know how to adapt in those moments, and often it is a moment we have to make decision as to how we'll respond.
This conversation for me centers around rhythm which is about fluidity, not rigidity. Often we step into a rigid self-perspective on life and not a fluid adaptive perspective on life.
Today, if something throws you off, think fluid adaptability and not rigidity.
Yes there are always deadlines, details and decisions that need to be made but can they be adjusted to help with a crisis moment that came up or a inconvenience that has caused a shift in the day?
If you are leading others how you adapt will model for them how they could adapt. Questions you can can ask yourself;
--Does this conversation HAVE to happen right now?
--Can you circle back to the data you've discovered?
If you are with your kids or spouse can you release tension about a topic or incident to create an atmosphere of security and peace in the moment verses an atmosphere of stress?

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