Friday, January 25, 2019


What Moves You?
Is it a an emotional musical piece?  An emotive acting scene in a movie? A commercial that triggers a memory?
An inspirational speech to motivate athletes?  A reunion between a military parent & their family?  A person who’s overcome great odds to succeed?
Knowing what Moves you is really important for your own leadership as well as the leadership you need to provide for others.
Some people are motivated by the crunch time stress. Some are motivate by reward for a job well done. Some are motivated by checking off a task list item.  But what about yourself, what are you motivated by?

Call it your “WIN”.  What allows you to look at a project, task or event and go WE DID IT?

This was super hard for me early on, even with working with teams.  We could list things that felt good but it was incredibly challenging to be able to singularly & effectively place a clear achieved status in the column & label it a WIN.
I was very jealous of people that seemed to clearly articulate their departments achieved wins or status updates.  It frustrated me that their responses rolled off their tongues so easily & often eloquently. It was if they thought about them ahead of time…

And that was a wake up call as a leader.  Before we even implement an action step, before we started buying supplies, before we leave the planning floor, we as a team have to have a clearly articulated goal we are aiming for.  

I know that if this event goes well, this one or two things happens______________________

Done deal.  
It broke the mold in my planning & strategizing time.  It helped me be able to lead teams better as It gave us tangible goals to aim for.  
Those tangible goals allowed A hyper focussed aiming point to keep distracting, non-essential & new conversations off the table so we could stay on task.
Healthy teams often generate great ideas, it’s knowing which great idea adds to the current focus or would create a new focus which draws energy, efforts & time away from the main point.

What moves me is a team that can celebrate a unified win with personal individual victories that play to their strengths, talents & roles.  If the team gets a win, but individual players feel they are overlooked or undervalued in their role in the team, it won’t be long before those team members are playing for a new team.

I want my team to never want to play for another leader.

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